Your favourite organic New Zealand honey is going even further to help protect the environment
Your favourite organic New Zealand honey is going even further to help protect the environment.
We know that you love the environment and choose organic, sustainable products where you can. At TranzAlpineHoney we believe the same thing. We’ve been certified organic for over 25 years. And we’ve been working to protect the environment, and our bees, since we started collecting the best organic New Zealand honey over 100 years ago.
Now we’ve taken another step, making it even easier for you to choose environmentally friendly honey.
Recycle and reuse.
Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental issues humanity is facing. PET (polyethylene terephthalate) which our jars are made from is food safe, inexpensive, lightweight, shatter-resistant and able to be 100% recycled.
While can’t completely stop using plastic in our daily life we can find better ways to recycle and reuse it.
Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) is one of the answers to how we can give some of our plastic waste a second chance.
TranzAlpineHoney is one of the first honey companies in New Zealand to phase out standard PET jars and replace them with 100% recycled PET (RPET) jars.
We’ve started with our plastic jars and now our goal is to use only 100% recycled packaging within the next 12 months.
Choosing to buy organic New Zealand honey in RPET containers helps us to help you protect the environment. Here’s how.
- By using RPET jars we’re encouraging the recycled plastics market, showing recycling companies that there’s demand for these products. So we’re helping reduce the amount of PET containers that end up in landfill across the globe.
- Recycling PET is much cheaper and energy-efficient than recycling glass. It takes 80% less energy to recycle PET.
- Recycled PET jars are 85% lighter than similar volume glass jars. They’re safer and more efficient when it comes to handling and shipping locally and around the world.
- Recycled PET can be recycled multiple times.
Often our customers ask us why we don’t completely switch to glass jars. Being in New Zealand importing and shipping glass jars to our remote little corner is too high an environmental cost. It’s less impact on the environment to use RPET.
Reducing our environmental impact for Bee Aware month 2019 #beeawarenz19
September is Bee Aware month, which makes the timing perfect for us to get rid of PET plastic containers and swap to the recycled PET jars (RPET).
In New Zealand, we produce the world’s only true Manuka honey. So taking care of our bees is our number one priority. Bee Awareness month aims to educate New Zealanders about the importance of honey bees and the apiculture industry and to share practical advice and information about how to ensure a sustainable future for bees.
Wherever you are in the world here are some simple actions you can take to protect your local bees.
- Plant wildflowers wherever you can. In your garden, along the roadside or even in a pot on your window.
- If you notice bees around your garden or house, put out a small container with fresh water
- If you use sprays in your garden, choose bee-friendly. And try keeping spraying to a minimum.
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