Come meet your bees and find out where your honey came from.
Not only does our organic certification mean we don’t use any synthetic chemicals or antibiotics with our bees or equipment, but it means we can trace every buzz of our organic New Zealand honey bees.
To connect you more with our bees, we’ve made this information available to you. So our bees become your local. Your link to a beautiful, remote slice of New Zealand.
Guaranteed origin
With our QR codes you can find the origin of your honey, know which region it came from and how it ended up in the jar you are holding in your hands today.
Verified results
By scanning QR code and entering unique batch number you have the ability to check the authenticity of your honey.
Why Trace Honey?
Before we jar up the honey, it gets extracted, tested and packaged. This is called a batch of honey.
We trace these batches back to their beehives, and we know exactly where in New Zealand each jar of honey comes from.
Every batch of honey is unique in its own right. The colour, aroma and flavours all change from batch to batch. This could be due to seasonal variations and climate or just sourced from different parts of our beautiful country.
Each jar of TranzAlpineHoney has a unique batch code.
Enter this code below and find out which hive in pristine South Island New Zealand your honey originated from.
Be confident you're getting the real deal!
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